Check out this movie. It's hilarious.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
It's almost over!
NERD PARTY NEXT SATURDAY!!! Everyone is invited, yes even the women this time ; ). That includes you, Qian! lol jk jk. Loyal as a dog, he is. : )
Monday, May 29, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
so, who wants to watch the Da Vinci Code sometime this weekend
i am totally refreshed after that great sleep
it's a good thing i didn't watch the movie yesterday... i woulda fell asleep. I was falling asleep playing RTW!!!!!
i am totally refreshed after that great sleep
it's a good thing i didn't watch the movie yesterday... i woulda fell asleep. I was falling asleep playing RTW!!!!!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Random comment...
Everyone seems depressed lately...why is this? o.O
Maybe it's just because school's almost over and we're getting end-of-school-itis...who knows.
Da Vinci Code was pretty good, though there were some dull parts because reading the book sort of ruins the ending, but that's okay. You guys should've come =(
Everyone seems depressed lately...why is this? o.O
Maybe it's just because school's almost over and we're getting end-of-school-itis...who knows.
Da Vinci Code was pretty good, though there were some dull parts because reading the book sort of ruins the ending, but that's okay. You guys should've come =(
ahhhhhh my xanga subscriptions stopped working!!!!
ooo today is friday... u know what that means! saturday is next = NO CHINESE SCHOOL! it's amazatacular!
o wait... my subscription is working again.
anywho...i don't think i can go to the movies today... too many days at the movies... my brain is rotting out of my head!
ooo today is friday... u know what that means! saturday is next = NO CHINESE SCHOOL! it's amazatacular!
o wait... my subscription is working again.
anywho...i don't think i can go to the movies today... too many days at the movies... my brain is rotting out of my head!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Ah, stupid anthro project.
I can't make it to The Da Vinci Code this Friday...I'll be out of town with my hot fan group of women. Bowchicawowwoww!
Speaking of Bowchicawowwoww!, Dawn has latent affections for somebody. Dun Dun Dun.
I can't make it to The Da Vinci Code this Friday...I'll be out of town with my hot fan group of women. Bowchicawowwoww!
Speaking of Bowchicawowwoww!, Dawn has latent affections for somebody. Dun Dun Dun.
Monday, May 22, 2006
crap crap crap
hw overload!! i have a written project due wed, power test thurs and fri, phys test fri, math test thurs, gov project thurs beat that!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Ok, I've gathered intelligence from the "liam eciov" and i have found that ksjusha was in China Town in New York City at 4:30 today afternoon... but intelligence failed to show whether that's 4:30 here in Naperville.. or 4:30 in NewYork.
In other news... we watched MI: III
In other news... we watched MI: III
Ok, I've gathered intelligence from the "liam eciov" and i have found that ksjusha was in China Town in New York City at 4:30 today afternoon... but intelligence failed to show whether that's 4:30 here in Naperville.. or 4:30 in NewYork.
In other news... we watched MI: III
In other news... we watched MI: III
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Movie Tomorrow!!!
movie tomorrow either da vinci code or MI3!! everyone should join us!! check my xanga for details!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Theme Settled Upon
A LOTR theme has been settled on. I'll do it this weekend or next.
Ahhh I'm taking Driver's Ed over the summer... (please don't die in a car crash please don't die in a car crash)
My first car will look something like this (Ford Escape), except the color will be bronze...ish.
Ahhh I'm taking Driver's Ed over the summer... (please don't die in a car crash please don't die in a car crash)
My first car will look something like this (Ford Escape), except the color will be bronze...ish.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
so i scrolled through the posts on this blog...and realized that most of the posts are by chris...or qian...or jon...and that ksjusha and i have have written maybe 4/55 posts total. thus, since there needs to be more female representation on this grim black site, i'm randomly posting...
no qian, kanjun is not so amazing at piano =(
it appears that we have come to a consensus that pavan is far more irritating than ching. this is hardly surprising...
no qian, kanjun is not so amazing at piano =(
it appears that we have come to a consensus that pavan is far more irritating than ching. this is hardly surprising...
so... uh... Kanjun like... owns at piano!
anywho, today we broke the news to pavan... that a sample poll shows that his approval rating is at 0. yes... 0... and during gov, he was soo busy flirting with anna gormley and sneha that a few guys changed his wallpaper (yes... he didn't log himself out) and changed it to 2,3 shirtless men... lol wow will he get a nice surprise next time he logs on.
anywho, today we broke the news to pavan... that a sample poll shows that his approval rating is at 0. yes... 0... and during gov, he was soo busy flirting with anna gormley and sneha that a few guys changed his wallpaper (yes... he didn't log himself out) and changed it to 2,3 shirtless men... lol wow will he get a nice surprise next time he logs on.
Monday, May 15, 2006
The 52nd Post
Wow... we've come so far, :sniff: 52 great posts. And this one is the best one. That's right.
I'm bored. Too apathetic to do homework. Agh, I can't wait until school is out, but it's never really over!!!
I'm a little afraid of APUSH.
I'm bored. Too apathetic to do homework. Agh, I can't wait until school is out, but it's never really over!!!
I'm a little afraid of APUSH.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Latin Projects
so, as you all probably know, latin projects are a pain in the ***... Thats one reason to dislike latin, besides the fact that we're not learning any latin... so it's like. Cook an ancient Roman food... but have book sources... WHO GOES FOR BOOKS THESE DAYS. "uh yeah, i would like to check out... uh, 3 books on ancient roman cuisines..." "oh sorry, there we only have 3 books on Roman food, but theres a waiting list of around 20 people..." yeah... i think i'm gonna make chinese food and turn it in...
Podcast 2
It's coming, just be patient. I DO have other things to do, like this huge friggin Anthro Project.
Kanjun, a podcast is like an internet radio show. Practically anyone can make one as long as they have a recording program that can save in Mp3 (which is pretty easy to get). Usually, people download them on their iPods, hence the term "PODcast."
Kanjun, a podcast is like an internet radio show. Practically anyone can make one as long as they have a recording program that can save in Mp3 (which is pretty easy to get). Usually, people download them on their iPods, hence the term "PODcast."
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Music Helps Plants Grow
I thought this was pretty interesting. They proved on mythbusters that talking (swearing, chatting, doesn't matter) to plants slightly boosts their growth, while music significantly boost their growth, especially heave metal.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Smartest game alive
also featured on my xanga, this game. Is the most incredible thing i have EVER seen. heres the link to it. it is more than 100 megs, but it's quicktime, so it will load as you play, so it's not that much a big deal. WATCH IT !!!!!!!!!!!!! AJPHGHDG
Staying up late like this makes me crazier. Despite extreme fatigue, I feel better than I did when I came home from the dance. All this light-headedness is transforming me into some sort of spiritual drunk. Of course, the ambient music doesn't help. Whooaaaaaaa I think this is what doing drugs is like, except without the hallucinations, lack of judgement, blackouts, you know. I just can't think right now... only do. Pretty amazing. Yodamazing.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
on the other hand...
to contradict chris, I thought that forties dance was awesome =D great music, great people, great food...
oh yeah. and great dancing. hope the rest of you enjoyed it! even if you made fools of yourselves (i know i did!)...cus that just makes it more fun!
anyway, i don't really have much to say, so good night people. go sleep or something
oh yeah. and great dancing. hope the rest of you enjoyed it! even if you made fools of yourselves (i know i did!)...cus that just makes it more fun!
anyway, i don't really have much to say, so good night people. go sleep or something
40s dance was ok, I don't deal with big crowds welll. I kinda go... crazy.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
OK, fine, here's the crappiest podcast ever made. It is NOT the one Qian, Ravi, and I made when they were over. THAT will come THIS WEEKEND, because it takes too long to convert all that crap to my new programs, and I have a little thing called "THE FRIGGIN RESEARCH PAPER OF DOOM" to do this week.
Listen to it here
Listen to it here
Tuesday, May 09, 2006 about that ap gov test?
yeah so wtf was up with the free-response questions??? i totally made up a bunch of bs!
so what does everyone think they got on it? personally i think i got a 3...
so what does everyone think they got on it? personally i think i got a 3...
AOL layoffs.
Playstation 3 release delayed due to technical difficulties. Estimated price for the console will be $500.
Pedophile (black cap, white shirt, blue jeans) arrested in Naperville--I listened to the sting on the police radio in my father's car. It was pretty interesting. The whole thing was a huge setup; the girl was fake. They followed the criminal, and plain clothes officers may have been used to track him. When he met the "girl" at the designated area and started waving for her to enter his car, police cars surrounded him so he couldn't drive away. Hahaha, sucker.
Sources claim the AP Gov Test was easy? Can somebody verify this?!?
Yeah, I'm totally becoming a journalist.

The alternate Wii controller--No motion sensitivity for those who don't like innovation.
Wii News
Playstation 3 release delayed due to technical difficulties. Estimated price for the console will be $500.
Pedophile (black cap, white shirt, blue jeans) arrested in Naperville--I listened to the sting on the police radio in my father's car. It was pretty interesting. The whole thing was a huge setup; the girl was fake. They followed the criminal, and plain clothes officers may have been used to track him. When he met the "girl" at the designated area and started waving for her to enter his car, police cars surrounded him so he couldn't drive away. Hahaha, sucker.
Sources claim the AP Gov Test was easy? Can somebody verify this?!?
Yeah, I'm totally becoming a journalist.
The alternate Wii controller--No motion sensitivity for those who don't like innovation.
Wii News
Monday, May 08, 2006
in approximately 9 hours, i will be in school, getting my butt kicked in AP Gov... arg. shoulda studied more!
AP Govvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv (hey those look like w's...)
i REALLY dont feel like studying for the sp test tomorrow, i mean the questions dont seem that hard...i studying is just boring for me which is why i cant do it and i havent read the gov book the entire sem....which could pose another problem...
sooooo how many hours is everyone going to study for the AP Gov test???
sooooo how many hours is everyone going to study for the AP Gov test???
Ok, so I missed the halfway bell by a minute. Now I don't get to eat today, and I'm staying at school until 5:30. This is such a fucked up system, excuse my language but as you can see I'm somewhat...enraged... god damn it.
[later] Yeah... I was hungry, ok?
[later] Yeah... I was hungry, ok?
Sunday, May 07, 2006
who thinks this music is annoying?!
so anyways, i just had this trixy conversation with this "Pavan" go check out my Xanga for full details... anyways, i'm suupose to be studying for gov right now... so... yah. ttyl
look! it's a kanjun
O.O there are now -five- asians! this blog is getting big...
actually, there should be six asians cause kushka is asian...and white. so she can be two people since she's so important =D
Chris, I must commend you for your layout design - other than the fact that we have a creepy illithid-like creature for a sidebar, it's pretty cool =P so now i'll go away and study gov...
good luck yall
actually, there should be six asians cause kushka is asian...and white. so she can be two people since she's so important =D
Chris, I must commend you for your layout design - other than the fact that we have a creepy illithid-like creature for a sidebar, it's pretty cool =P so now i'll go away and study gov...
good luck yall
ksjusha is the coolest person in the world!
She is the coolest person in the world, because she is very nice, and caring! And I feel bad for being mean to her all the time, and not letting her rub her eye when she really really wants to. I also feel bad because I never do my latin homework and then copy it from dawn and then if Ksjusha doesn't do it she only has the time before latin starts to copy it from me. I love her!
Layout Changes
This is what I did instead of WORKING ON MY HOPELESS RESEARCH PAPER! Is it good? Guess who that is to the left. Come on, Qian, Ravi, you should know this. Please, PLEASE, don't do anything to create a horizontal scroll bar (cough JON WAYNE, cough QIAN), because it looks really bad.
Major Changes Coming
It's hard to make a good layout because the width of the actual window differs from viewer to viewer. But, give me some time and it'll look good. I just need to work on my Enriched Written research paper, because it's such a fatass project!
Kanjun, I need to send you the invitation via AIM. For some reason, the email invitations never work on blogger.
Kanjun, I need to send you the invitation via AIM. For some reason, the email invitations never work on blogger.
Ok, I cleaned up the layout a bit.
Yeah, I moved things around, added a textured background (the solid black background felt like an abyss that was about to suck all of existence into itself.) I sent Kanjun an invintation email. Now, I'm going after Victor. Then, maybe just a few more people, but then no more. I think this blog may be getting too fat.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Ahhh! This layout is looking so bad! It's so messy! I need to fix it somehow! I'm sorry, everyone!
China or Japan
due to the recent post, i will have to tell you all the following. Neither should be picked. Japan expecially should not be picked. here is y. The people there... are arrogant FAGS (not saying chinese people arn't). lemme post something from youtube. lol i love this zzzz guy, hes just swearing his ass off. remember, this japanese dude, ikari, started it when he posted random comments throughout youtube blasting the US, Korea, and Japan. check out his japanese friends.
ikarisakamoto ![]() | May 05, 2006 BurningET, half the world thinks we suck? I don't think so. I think the WHOLE WORLD except the chinese people think CHINA sucks! Please, I know MANY people that love my culture and are japanophiles. Most of them are Chinese by the way, just like you ;) Also, stupid Korea and China have no allies. Maybe each other only. LOL. Thanks, I know my english is good. I travel to the UK alot and I was educated when I was young unlike some of you posting on my profile. Have a good life imitating and trying to be like Japanese. ^^ | |
ikarisakamoto ![]() | May 05, 2006 Shut up zzzz69! Your an arrogant italian aren't you? Theres a movie in my favourites that you may like. Your just like the fukkin Koreans, theres no difference from the Italians, both are so arrogant and stupid. Check it out, its called "Angry Korean Gamer". Some say he is Korean, but I bet he is a mixture of dirty Korean and Italian. LOL. I hope someone dukes your country, the world doesn't need stupid people like you. Also, you know the word bukkake, guess you secretely admire us^^ | |
zzzz69 ![]() | May 05, 2006 All the japanese love bukkake , and stop thinking that u re the best country in the world , all u jap fags and bitches re pathetics, the other asian countries hate u and in Europe and U.S.A every single citizen thinks that u re ridiculous and retarded. WE WANT ANOTHER HIROSHIMA NOW | |
ikarisakamoto ![]() | May 05, 2006 LMAO, what did I say? Japan is #1 ^^ Don't be JEALOUS, eh? Serbian people are what? I don't think they're even on the top 100, LOL. America is #1? Don't make me laugh. The US is like the #1 hated country, #1 idiotic nation along with bush, #1 obese nation, #1 least educated, theres just to many to name. Take your American pride elsewhere, I couldn't care less if US got nuked. Anyway, they deserve to be nuked after what they fukin did to us. | |
BurningEt ![]() | May 05, 2006 "BTW, why the hell would we want to make peace to dirty pathetic countries like China or Korea? Please, you talk nonsense. We have no patience for communist countries as yourself. No offence." was posted by you. and obviously, the things you post were meant to be offensive... yet you still put the "no offence" after some of your posts. I guess you are trying to hold on to some of your Japanese honor. However, I dunno what all this talk of "the number one" country is all about, but I know that neither Japan, Korea, China, or America are the best country and wtf is with this extremist nationalism and arrogance?! Arg this is stupid, it's turning into my International Relations class.. | |
tokidoki123 ![]() | May 05, 2006 grapetea, AMERICA SUCKS. You don't even know that it is rate #2 on the most negative country and Japan #1. Even my american friends agree with me. There's too much prostituting, an extremely high drop out rate and you probably don't know that. Japan is okay and I love korea, sorry but ikari you do need to stop doing that. I'm Japanese and I don't think that there is any completly perfect country. grapetea, again get over yourself. America isn't the best country in the world, dumbass, look at the statistics. | |
grapetea ![]() | May 05, 2006 Uh.. whats with all this racism against esp. Koreans, Chinese and the Americans? I may be Serbian, but I know when someone is being an ASS. Seriously, you and the other jap below are really annoying, along with other racist japs on this site. Its quite funny how you and your other racist jap people bash what you guys call the "inferior, pathetic & stupid nations". Its actually you racist japs that looks pathetic for bashing others which are considered "below" yourselves. So I'd say your just jealous. ;) Also, America is the #1 nation, not Japan. Sorry to burst your bubble. But whatever, think what you want. |
ashym ![]() | May 05, 2006 hello there, JAPAN is #1.. fuck all of you korean faggots. korea is #1 in prostitution exporting, pickpockets, lying, changing history, largest heads, smelliest everything, most annoying sounding language, worst cars, most plastic surgery(male and female), and government scandal. This list can go ON and ON and you fucking koreans KNOW THIS. i know you stinky fucks will read this. FUCK OFF KOREANS! | |
zzzz69 ![]() | May 03, 2006 Irakisakamoto love bukkake like all the jap fags . P.S. : i lived i Japan 3 months and for sure i fucked more jap sluts than u in your entire life. P.P.S: Korean and Chinese girls re better P.P.P.S.: All the world hope for another Hiroshima | |
zzzz69 ![]() | May 01, 2006 You re a japanese racist gay asshole. | |
yunmi ![]() | April 30, 2006 Whats with all this hating and duking the US, Korea, China, Vietnam and Philippines? What have they ever done to you? Please stop your racism towards those contries, its really rude and descriminating. Although I may be Korean, but like many others, I don't dislike the Japanese or harbour resentment for what they've did in the past. I'm glad you have lots of nationalism for your country Japan, but please don't go around bashing other nations while doing so. |
Friday, May 05, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Farmer Boy Joins
hi everyone! Qian man just joined, and we definitly need to discuss possible upcomming projects, such as the 24. second thing. Oh yeah, and i got a nice little equation to share. YouTube+Xanga+Deviantart+AIM+Blogger = ouch.
At School!
I'm in the lit center during my lunch period. I need to print out all the crappy research for my research project on wind energy. The previous source was roughly 11 pages. Trees, please forgive me.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Vincent has joined. Kushlalfak has made her own blog here at blogger, as has Jon. Should I make my own? What of our xangas, people? This layout is fine for a while, I may toy around with it this weekend.
The title has been changed to accomodate our newest members without it being too long. Guess what |> means!
Remember to read some of the older posts of the day!
The title has been changed to accomodate our newest members without it being too long. Guess what |> means!
Remember to read some of the older posts of the day!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
So it begins!
Ok, so it begins! So far, we've been using a standard template... I'll edit it myself so the site looks more original and less... blah. Of course, I'll ask your opinions.
Should there be music, and what music should it be?
Dark colors or light colors? (I'd prefer dark)
Any... theme of some sort? My xanga takes on an astronomy theme... any ideas on this matter?
What links should I put up? I'm thinking links to each of our xangas, the hungersite, If there's any others you'd like me to add, then feel free.
**I COULD allow us to all edit the HTML... but I'd rather not have people screwing it up daily. If you want to actually edit the HTML of the site, just ask me and I can tempoarily make you an administrator. I just don't want chaos! This is NOT SILENT HILL!
Should there be music, and what music should it be?
Dark colors or light colors? (I'd prefer dark)
Any... theme of some sort? My xanga takes on an astronomy theme... any ideas on this matter?
What links should I put up? I'm thinking links to each of our xangas, the hungersite, If there's any others you'd like me to add, then feel free.
**I COULD allow us to all edit the HTML... but I'd rather not have people screwing it up daily. If you want to actually edit the HTML of the site, just ask me and I can tempoarily make you an administrator. I just don't want chaos! This is NOT SILENT HILL!
i make my own post!
blah! i make my own post! so there!
we need more ppls!! but then we would have to change the name to include everyone which would be weird....
we need more ppls!! but then we would have to change the name to include everyone which would be weird....
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