ikarisakamoto ![]() | May 05, 2006 BurningET, half the world thinks we suck? I don't think so. I think the WHOLE WORLD except the chinese people think CHINA sucks! Please, I know MANY people that love my culture and are japanophiles. Most of them are Chinese by the way, just like you ;) Also, stupid Korea and China have no allies. Maybe each other only. LOL. Thanks, I know my english is good. I travel to the UK alot and I was educated when I was young unlike some of you posting on my profile. Have a good life imitating and trying to be like Japanese. ^^ | |
ikarisakamoto ![]() | May 05, 2006 Shut up zzzz69! Your an arrogant italian aren't you? Theres a movie in my favourites that you may like. Your just like the fukkin Koreans, theres no difference from the Italians, both are so arrogant and stupid. Check it out, its called "Angry Korean Gamer". Some say he is Korean, but I bet he is a mixture of dirty Korean and Italian. LOL. I hope someone dukes your country, the world doesn't need stupid people like you. Also, you know the word bukkake, guess you secretely admire us^^ | |
zzzz69 ![]() | May 05, 2006 All the japanese love bukkake , and stop thinking that u re the best country in the world , all u jap fags and bitches re pathetics, the other asian countries hate u and in Europe and U.S.A every single citizen thinks that u re ridiculous and retarded. WE WANT ANOTHER HIROSHIMA NOW | |
ikarisakamoto ![]() | May 05, 2006 LMAO, what did I say? Japan is #1 ^^ Don't be JEALOUS, eh? Serbian people are what? I don't think they're even on the top 100, LOL. America is #1? Don't make me laugh. The US is like the #1 hated country, #1 idiotic nation along with bush, #1 obese nation, #1 least educated, theres just to many to name. Take your American pride elsewhere, I couldn't care less if US got nuked. Anyway, they deserve to be nuked after what they fukin did to us. | |
BurningEt ![]() | May 05, 2006 "BTW, why the hell would we want to make peace to dirty pathetic countries like China or Korea? Please, you talk nonsense. We have no patience for communist countries as yourself. No offence." was posted by you. and obviously, the things you post were meant to be offensive... yet you still put the "no offence" after some of your posts. I guess you are trying to hold on to some of your Japanese honor. However, I dunno what all this talk of "the number one" country is all about, but I know that neither Japan, Korea, China, or America are the best country and wtf is with this extremist nationalism and arrogance?! Arg this is stupid, it's turning into my International Relations class.. | |
tokidoki123 ![]() | May 05, 2006 grapetea, AMERICA SUCKS. You don't even know that it is rate #2 on the most negative country and Japan #1. Even my american friends agree with me. There's too much prostituting, an extremely high drop out rate and you probably don't know that. Japan is okay and I love korea, sorry but ikari you do need to stop doing that. I'm Japanese and I don't think that there is any completly perfect country. grapetea, again get over yourself. America isn't the best country in the world, dumbass, look at the statistics. | |
grapetea ![]() | May 05, 2006 Uh.. whats with all this racism against esp. Koreans, Chinese and the Americans? I may be Serbian, but I know when someone is being an ASS. Seriously, you and the other jap below are really annoying, along with other racist japs on this site. Its quite funny how you and your other racist jap people bash what you guys call the "inferior, pathetic & stupid nations". Its actually you racist japs that looks pathetic for bashing others which are considered "below" yourselves. So I'd say your just jealous. ;) Also, America is the #1 nation, not Japan. Sorry to burst your bubble. But whatever, think what you want. |
ashym ![]() | May 05, 2006 hello there, JAPAN is #1.. fuck all of you korean faggots. korea is #1 in prostitution exporting, pickpockets, lying, changing history, largest heads, smelliest everything, most annoying sounding language, worst cars, most plastic surgery(male and female), and government scandal. This list can go ON and ON and you fucking koreans KNOW THIS. i know you stinky fucks will read this. FUCK OFF KOREANS! | |
zzzz69 ![]() | May 03, 2006 Irakisakamoto love bukkake like all the jap fags . P.S. : i lived i Japan 3 months and for sure i fucked more jap sluts than u in your entire life. P.P.S: Korean and Chinese girls re better P.P.P.S.: All the world hope for another Hiroshima | |
zzzz69 ![]() | May 01, 2006 You re a japanese racist gay asshole. | |
yunmi ![]() | April 30, 2006 Whats with all this hating and duking the US, Korea, China, Vietnam and Philippines? What have they ever done to you? Please stop your racism towards those contries, its really rude and descriminating. Although I may be Korean, but like many others, I don't dislike the Japanese or harbour resentment for what they've did in the past. I'm glad you have lots of nationalism for your country Japan, but please don't go around bashing other nations while doing so. |
lol i look at the quality of people. of course their quality of life is better... their economy class airline gives you SUSHI and a personal tv! thats unbeatable. Japan is good (cars, games, hent...manga....(cough), um, their history, their architecture, and etc.). but Japanese people... no... that brings the whole scale down for me.
Psh, US is #1.
Yeah, but China won't admit what they did in Tiananmen Square.
so..... the chinese PEOPLE won't admit what they did in tiananmen square? and also, thats what 200 students dead? and japan in world war two caused what? 80 MILLION civilian deaths? might wanna do some math there.
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