what? really! no worries from Hurricanes, landslides, tornadoes, floods, and running out of food, since that just increases land avaliable for food and forests by like 245y02356235 %
but then if theres an Earthquake.... we're screwed.
psh oxygen circulation. we'll create a siphon effect to get oxygen from the lush lush rainforest that would be everywhere above ground. That way, we'll get plenty of oxygen, and we won't worry about drought.
earthquakes are bad, but i'm pretty sure we can work that out with some diamond enforced pillars
and while we're at it, let's throw in a few fusion power plants, and underground space ports, andd anddd underground rivers full of mercury. that'd be cool.
underground space ports...? how the fuck do you have a space port that's not in space?!? and secondly, pillars aren't going to help you if there is an earthquake...
i would just like everyone to know that...CHRIS IS A FAGGOT!!...and he's a girl...and he likes ribbons in his hair...and he runs around chasing all the boys!
why is latin on the poll by not spanish, french or german?
you're not even in latin!
yeah... but i still think building elaborate cities underground is better.
Lol fine...we'll build elaborate cities underground.
what? really! no worries from Hurricanes, landslides, tornadoes, floods, and running out of food, since that just increases land avaliable for food and forests by like 245y02356235 %
but then if theres an Earthquake.... we're screwed.
...plus you would have to have an elaborate circulation system so we all dont die from oxygen deprivation...
Plus sunlight deficieny would create biological problems...
and the earthquakes aren't healthy
according to this our houses would all die if there were a drought
psh you can water your own house, duh!
Kanjun... Our bodies are 70-80% water. Water isn't a problem. DUH.
"Water once a week. Moderate light conditions. Fertilize every 2-3 months."
drought! drought means no water!
we'd have to kill our selves if we wanted to water the plants with our body water...
No no no, we'd only kill half oursevles! DUH.
Luckily, we have an immense piping system and a planet with 326 million trillion gallons (a little factoid there) of water.
poor ppl!! they're not using their water! im sure we could pay some of them for their water filled blood! kill two birds with one stone!
lol omg i should shoot u for that ravi.
psh oxygen circulation. we'll create a siphon effect to get oxygen from the lush lush rainforest that would be everywhere above ground. That way, we'll get plenty of oxygen, and we won't worry about drought.
earthquakes are bad, but i'm pretty sure we can work that out with some diamond enforced pillars
and while we're at it, let's throw in a few fusion power plants, and underground space ports, andd anddd underground rivers full of mercury. that'd be cool.
underground space ports...? how the fuck do you have a space port that's not in space?!? and secondly, pillars aren't going to help you if there is an earthquake...
Let's mass zerglings.
psh my carriers will pwn your stupid zerglings!
Psh not if the battle is underground...helloooo
...there is still air underground so my carriers can still fly and pwn your zerglings!
Too bad the tunnels aren't big enough for the carriers.
Plus I have 10,000 mutalisks for every one of your carriers--which is just the right amount to destroy it.
how the hell would ur carriers get in there?
besides, we all know master chief can own everyone.
Damn Xbox and its "Master Chief"...
What if I have Kerrigan?
psh not if you're playing as master chief qian!lol
oh, and what is kerrigan going to do to him? seduce him with her alien appendages? ill have you know master chief kills aliens en masse
I don't know, Kerrigan is pretty hot.
Or... she was.
Neh, she still is, at least compared to most girls at our school.
(Not including, of course, any girls from our school who are reading these statements.)
(So don't worry, Ravi, I'm not calling you ugly.)
lol, oooooooo how u gonna counter ravi?
i chose head butt! and then surf!
i would just like everyone to know that...CHRIS IS A FAGGOT!!...and he's a girl...and he likes ribbons in his hair...and he runs around chasing all the boys!
hey chris, the layout stopped working.
damn this must be the longest thread that does not have anything to do with the actual post ever!
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