Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ok, I cleaned up the layout a bit.

Yeah, I moved things around, added a textured background (the solid black background felt like an abyss that was about to suck all of existence into itself.) I sent Kanjun an invintation email. Now, I'm going after Victor. Then, maybe just a few more people, but then no more. I think this blog may be getting too fat.


BurningET said...

yeah, i kinda liked the completly black background. perhaps add in a space wallpaper and making the text background be transparent?

Kanjun said...

yay kushka makes me feel loved =D

chris i think your invitation was lost somewhere in the black background abyss...i haven't received it yet =(

personally i also liked the black background (agree on double scrollbar) but if you got rid of enough pictures to make the outside scrollbar go away it wouldn't be so bad...