Friday, May 12, 2006

Smartest game alive

also featured on my xanga, this game. Is the most incredible thing i have EVER seen. heres the link to it. it is more than 100 megs, but it's quicktime, so it will load as you play, so it's not that much a big deal. WATCH IT !!!!!!!!!!!!! AJPHGHDG


Kanjun said...

geez that's crazy. must take some amazing math to code that -and- make it small-sized...

wee looks fun! even though i'm into the more violent stuff...but hey, you can shoot people and hit things. hmm..

Chris said...

Pretty amazing

Kanjun said...

yeah what can i say...i'm one weird girl =P

Crimson said...

wow that is one crazy game, so does anyone know when the actual demo/game comes out?