Tuesday, May 16, 2006

so i scrolled through the posts on this blog...and realized that most of the posts are by chris...or qian...or jon...and that ksjusha and i have have written maybe 4/55 posts total. thus, since there needs to be more female representation on this grim black site, i'm randomly posting...

no qian, kanjun is not so amazing at piano =(

it appears that we have come to a consensus that pavan is far more irritating than ching. this is hardly surprising...


Crimson said...

lol neither was i but i dont care...

Chris said...

Ok I'll start

Chris said...


Crimson said...

this is so not going to be fun...

Kanjun said...

yeah ravi and vince never post...i just scrolled down to see who posted the most! (hmm that rhymes)

sorry ravi/vince =(