Monday, August 07, 2006

New Layout

Based on the Wii, which I am hyped up about, as I assume all of you are as well.


BurningET said...

wtf?! WIIII?!

oh yeah, and you are expecting stress, partying, dancing, starcraft, anger, emotional breakdowns, wiiiiiiiiiiiii, more house, the next season of 24, and a date the most... WHAHHAHAHAHA that's right, I'm the first to visit the newly layoutalized blog!

Chris said...

Hurray Qian

Kanjun said...

i'd be hyped if i could get it and have time to use it, but since i can't get it and don't have time to use it... =(

wee cool music

next year...STRESS, partying, emotional breakdowns, expecting nervous breakdowns and hair-pulling, probably House, and a date...
